Unlike the generation of the late 1990s and early 2000s which generally plunge to become entrepreneurs because it is difficult to find work due to the economic crisis that was sweeping, generation of young entrepreneurs aged 20-something years now appear to have greater self confidence. They were from the beginning really want to live life as an entrepreneur. One of them is Saptuari Sugiharto. 29-year-old man has started a small business since studied at the Department of Geography University of Gadjah Mada. This year, he was selected as runner-up Young Entrepreneurs Self 2007.
Let us follow his success story
Since the entry UGM campus in 1998, Saptuari have longed to have their own business. While college; some effort fro; start of a guard student cooperatives, chicken sellers, sellers stickers, until sales of Halo Telkomsel card agent. Then, in 2004, while working as an event organizer at a company in Yogyakarta, the former marketing staff Swaragama FM Radio was shocked to see the enthusiasm the audience scrambling or merchandise bearing the image of celebrities. "Strange. Why are people so eager to get T-shirts, pins, or anything of the artist, "he said. "In fact, they can make any merchandise in accordance with his will."
Starting from a sense of wonder that, in 2005 Saptuari took a bold step to establish the Kedai Digital. The company aims to produce souvenir goods (such as mugs, t-shirts, pins, keychains, mouse pads, photographs and ceramics posters, and banners) to garnish the digital print. At that time, he capitalize as much money as Rp28 million, the result of savings, selling motorcycles, and mortgaged the family home.
It took six months for a man born in Yogyakarta was to begin the Kedai Digital. First, he must look for digital printing machine. He got it (made in China) in Bandung. He also must find out the sources of raw materials. Then, he had to prepare a place of business, develop product concepts, and recruit staff. Everything is done alone.
Business is slowly but surely. When business starts to stabilize, Saptuari ventured to recruit designers from the colleges of art that are available pretty much in Yogyakarta. For the marketing power, used by students from other universities are also scattered in the city. Kedai Digital target market is students. Therefore, according to Saptuari, the company must not kidding about the quality. Therefore, he must use a designer who has a background of formal education.
It took six months for a man born in Yogyakarta was to begin the Kedai Digital. First, he must look for digital printing machine. He got it (made in China) in Bandung. He also must find out the sources of raw materials. Then, he had to prepare a place of business, develop product concepts, and recruit staff. Everything is done alone.
Business is slowly but surely. When business starts to stabilize, Saptuari ventured to recruit designers from the colleges of art that are available pretty much in Yogyakarta. For the marketing power, used by students from other universities are also scattered in the city. Kedai Digital target market is students. Therefore, according to Saptuari, the company must not kidding about the quality. Therefore, he must use a designer who has a background of formal education.
In the first year, Store Digital has managed to achieve sales of 400 million. The next year, acquisitions of businesses raced to 900 million. Along with the added outlets, revenue in 2007 exceeded Rp1, 5 billion.
By the end of years ago, Kedai Digital already has eight outlets in Yogyakarta. One of them is Kedai Supply which provides raw materials for production needs in all other outlets. Meanwhile, Kedai Printing outlets devoted to serve orders of products such as banner advertising. Outside Yogyakarta, Saptuari already has five other outlets (in Kebumen, Semarang, Tuban, Pekanbaru, and Solo) through a franchise system.
According to Alfa Nur Agustina, Head of the Department MikroBisnis Group, Bank Mandiri (organizer of the Young Entrepreneurs Self), among the 500 participants who followed the race, considered innovative because of the Kedai Digital is the industry pioneer merchandise with methods of digital printing in the Yogyakarta area. For the assessment of the business side, Saptuari get more value because it does not come from a family business. His education was not related to economics. Then, because it involves a lot of students in moving their business and teach them about entrepreneurship, heavyset man that got high scores in the assessment of social aspects.
About that last one, Saptuari indeed invite their employees who behave well to own shares in Digital Store outlets. Now, has four stalls, with the shares owned by the workers involved. "I do not want them to keep only a worker. They also must be owner, "he said.
Entrepreneurial spirit has come disseminated.
By the end of years ago, Kedai Digital already has eight outlets in Yogyakarta. One of them is Kedai Supply which provides raw materials for production needs in all other outlets. Meanwhile, Kedai Printing outlets devoted to serve orders of products such as banner advertising. Outside Yogyakarta, Saptuari already has five other outlets (in Kebumen, Semarang, Tuban, Pekanbaru, and Solo) through a franchise system.
According to Alfa Nur Agustina, Head of the Department MikroBisnis Group, Bank Mandiri (organizer of the Young Entrepreneurs Self), among the 500 participants who followed the race, considered innovative because of the Kedai Digital is the industry pioneer merchandise with methods of digital printing in the Yogyakarta area. For the assessment of the business side, Saptuari get more value because it does not come from a family business. His education was not related to economics. Then, because it involves a lot of students in moving their business and teach them about entrepreneurship, heavyset man that got high scores in the assessment of social aspects.
About that last one, Saptuari indeed invite their employees who behave well to own shares in Digital Store outlets. Now, has four stalls, with the shares owned by the workers involved. "I do not want them to keep only a worker. They also must be owner, "he said.
Entrepreneurial spirit has come disseminated.
Adapted from http://kampungwirausaha.com/ukm-sukses-kedai-digital-saptuari-sugiharto.html#more-625
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